Yogibo PodX Star Wars Bean Bag

Yogibo PodX Star Wars bean bag is designed to provide you a comfortable support while adding some Star Wars detailing into your living space. Let’s keep checking if you like the design.Yogibo PodX Star Wars Bean Bag

The PodX is a pretty cool and comfortable bean bag chair themed by Star Wars. It measures 30 x 30 x 30 inches and weighs 11.5 lbs. As shown in the images, the spherical chair is available in two colors based on Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance, and the monochrome exterior gives emphasis to the logo of Galactic Empire or Rebel Alliance.

The outer cover of the bean bag is made from cotton and spandex blend, and the inner cover is made from a blend of polyester and spandex. Furthermore, it’s filled with near-frictionless microbeads to conform your body and provide a soft and comfortable support. Moreover, an integrated handle allows for easy transport from one room to another.Yogibo PodX Star Wars Bean Bag

The Star Wars bean bag is priced at $229 USD. If you’re interested, jump to The Grommet for its more details. Need more option? Don’t miss the Death Star exercise ball chair.

The post Yogibo PodX Star Wars Bean Bag appeared first on Gadgetsin.

Source: Gadget Sin

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