Many apps and games offer premium subscriptions by automatically debiting monthly fees from your credit card. At times, you may lose track of these subscriptions, which may lead to confusion over the charges incurred in your statement. Therefore, in this article, let’s see how to find out which apps are charging money on your credit card, be it on Android or iOS.
Find Which Apps are Charging Money on your Credit Card
You would want to know which apps are charging money on your credit card for two primary reasons- to manage and track your subscriptions or to figure out what’s deducting money from your account. The easiest way to find the same is to check the active subscriptions on your account, as follows:
On Android
- Open Google Play Store on your phone.
- Click the hamburger menu on the top left corner.
- Then, select “Subscriptions.”
- Here, you’ll see all the app subscriptions active on your account.
- You can tap a subscription to update or cancel it.
On iOS
- Open Settings on your iOS device.
- Tap your name at the top.
- On the next page, click on “Subscriptions.”
- Here, you can view and manage all your active app subscriptions.
Several apps offer you limited time premium features through free trial offers. Once the trial ends, they automatically start charging you the subscription fee. If you only intended to try the app or service and forgot to cancel the subscription, you can request a refund from Google Play Store or Apple Store, depending on the case.
Check Email and Card Statements
If you don’t find any app subscriptions on the Play Store or App Store, you should check your emails and credit card statements. Apps and services like Spotify, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. don’t go through Play Store or App Store payments. These can be easily spotted by checking your emails.
The other option is to check your card statements. Go through your monthly card statements to see any deductions linked to apps and services you no longer use. You can then cancel the subscription through the respective app or website.
Manage Your Subscriptions
Several apps on the Play Store and App Store let you track and manage your app and other online subscriptions. Using them, you can keep a tab on ongoing payments and also set reminders for something that you want to cancel before the renewal date.
Android users can use apps like Subscriptions, Subby, Nate, Billy, and more. Whereas, iPhone users can use apps such as SubscriptMe, Bobby, and Truebill for managing subscriptions.
Wrapping Up
This was a quick piece on how you can find which apps are charging money on your credit card, be it on Android or iOS. Besides, we’ve also mentioned how you can organize and manage your subscriptions.
As a safety measure, you should always restrict purchases on your phone. This way, it’ll ask you for authentication while making any payments, and kids or unauthorized people won’t be able to make purchases on your phone.
Also, read- How to Get iOS 14 Privacy Indicator Dots on Android.
The post Find Out Which Apps Are Charging Money On Your Credit Card On Android and iOS appeared first on Gadgets To Use.
Source: Gadgets House
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