Amazfit has confirmed that it will launch the Bip U, the company’s new smartwatch in India on October 16th. It has a 1.43-inch colourful TFT touch display with 50 watch faces, has 5 ATM water resistance, battery life of up to 9 days and Bluetooth music control. It is equipped with 60+ sports modes, high-precision … Continue reading "Amazfit Bip U with 1.43-inch color touch display, SpO2 monitoring, 60+ sports modes launching in India on October 16"
Source: Fone Arena
Amazfit Bip U with 1.43-inch color touch display, SpO2 monitoring, 60+ sports modes launching in India on October 16
Amazfit Bip U with 1.43-inch color touch display, SpO2 monitoring, 60+ sports modes launching in India on October 16
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
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