MY Idra Filtered Water Bottle with Ceramic Filter and Detachable Glass

Using an innovative ceramic filter, MY Idra filtered water bottle makes your water taste fresh and crisp, and its custom glass reminds you to drink at right time. Let’s keep checking if you like the idea.MY Idra Filtered Water Bottle with Ceramic Filter and Detachable Glass

MY Idra measures 8.9cm diameter by 27.5cm high, weighs 546g, and the water bottle delivers 1L capacity. As shown in the images, the filtered water bottle delivers a sleek cylindrical form factor, and with the combination of ceramic, glass, aluminum, stainless steel 18/8 and food grade silicone, the MY Idra is designed to be never be thrown away.

The filtered water bottle features a Claysilite ceramic gravity filter and Claysilite pearl to remove 99% of harmful substances (including chlorine) in 0.8 seconds, so it gives you fresh and clean drinking water.MY Idra Filtered Water Bottle with Ceramic Filter and Detachable Glass

Furthermore, the detachable glass covers the filter, which looks like a sand glass-inspired design. When you put it on your table, the water bottle fills up the 236ml glass with timed drops every 15 minutes, which acts as a reminder to ensure you drink enough water at right time.

Moreover, the filtered water bottle also features an integrated aluminum dial that helps you track how many glasses of water you have had in a day.

The crowdfunding campaign for MY Idra is ongoing on Kickstarter. We can pledge $147 to preorder the filtered water bottle. It will be shipped in May 2022.

The post MY Idra Filtered Water Bottle with Ceramic Filter and Detachable Glass appeared first on Gadgetsin.

Source: Gadget Sin

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