Earlier last month, realme announced its C21Y smartphone with an HD+ display, UNISOC T610 SoC in Vietnam. Following that, now the company has launched the smartphone in India. As for the specifications, the realme C21Y sports a 6.5-inch HD+ dewdrop display with a resolution of 1600 x 720 pixels and 420 nits maximum brightness. It … Continue reading "realme C21Y with 6.5-inch HD+ display, UNISOC T610 SoC, 5000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 8999"
Source: Fone Arena
realme C21Y with 6.5-inch HD+ display, UNISOC T610 SoC, 5000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 8999
realme C21Y with 6.5-inch HD+ display, UNISOC T610 SoC, 5000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 8999
Monday, August 23, 2021
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