Garmin Lily Fitness Smartwatch with Patterned Lens

Garmin has released its latest Lily fitness smartwatch. With patterned lens, two styles and multiple colors, the wearable is great for every woman who loves fashion. Let‘s keep checking if you like the design.Garmin Lily Fitness Smartwatch with Patterned Lens

Garmin Lily is a beautifully designed and fully featured fitness smartwatch designed for women. The watchcase measures 34mm diameter and it weighs 24g. With a lightweight and small design, the smartwatch provides a comfortable wearing experience. Meanwhile, the rounded watchcase with narrow bezel combines with multiple optional lens patterns, colors and two styles: classic and sport, to match different personal styles.

The Lily fitness smartwatch tracks your body’s energy levels, heart rate, stress, menstrual cycle or pregnancy, hydration, respiration, and sleep including light, deep and REM sleep stages. Furthermore, using sports apps, it also tracks yoga, cardio, Pilates, mindful breathing and more. When connecting with your smartphone’s GPS, it monitors outdoor walks, runs and more.Garmin Lily Fitness Smartwatch with Patterned Lens

Moreover, with a bright touchscreen display, the fitness smartwatch also shows you phone notifications. When working with Android phones, it even allows you to respond to texts.

And you can send an assistance alert with your real-time location to your designed contacts, while LiveTrack feature allows friends or family members track your outdoor activities in real time for extra safety. In addition, built-in rechargeable battery offers up to 5 days of battery life between charges.


Garmin Lily fitness smartwatch starts from $199.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to the product page (sport version) for its more details.

The post Garmin Lily Fitness Smartwatch with Patterned Lens appeared first on Gadgetsin.

Source: Gadget Sin


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